Saturday, March 12, 2011
Like omygossh! someone help me, I weight 102 pounds! why am i so phat?
how can I lose weight?
Period or misscarrage?
My last start date of my period was 27th January I came off on Wednesday the second, been trying for a baby but then on Monday 21st I started spotting really light pink blood only a tiny bit but then on Tuesday it got heavy and I thought it was my period but Wednesday and Thursday its got so heavy were I have to put on 3 pads and still only last for an hour it just wont stop not like a period at all.
What Mexican Singers Have Earrings(Male)?
Hey im trying to get my ears pieced but my parents said no. They said nobody they like where's earrings i know the love music by alejandro fernandez, juan gabriel and stuff like that lots of like that. Thanks!!!
Post-murder nightmares?
You will be forever haunted my Simon's ghost. Your only choice is to morph into a mermaid and flee to the sea.
Is this something to see a family counselor/therapist about? Little brother wants me as his mom now?
Therapy is absolutely needed for you and your sibling!!! Therapy is especially needed for your mother, but she probably will just get angry and not want to do it! Your sibling is not establishing attachment with his mother! And is now looking for another mother figure, you guys both need to enter therapy! Its nothing to be ashamed of and therapy is called therapy because its therapeutic!
I cannot update my psp 1000 from 5.00 m33-6 to 6.35 Pro-A Updater?
The psp model I'm using is PSP Phat or 1000. I downloaded 6.35 Pro-A Updater and I drag "635proupdate" folder to my PSP/GAME. After that, i disconnect usb connection and i went to game and i went to update 3.35 Pro-A updater. Then it said "This program requires 6.35". So I had no idea where to start off. plz provide a link include a tutorial if necessary.
Should I get earrings although I'm a guy?
I want to get my ears pierced (one on each ear) but my parents aren't big on the idea. My dad thinks that one ear is acceptable but two looks a little ridiculous, but truthfully doesn't want me to get either; my mom doesn't want me to get it at all. My girlfriend has been urging me to get them because she thinks it will look cute, and I've grown more accepting of the idea, especially because I take notice of how many celebrity men and normal men I see wearing them. What do you think I should do, and ladies, do you think guys with earrings (not one, but two) are cuter, hotter, or more attractive? Even if your answer is a repeat, I'd like to read it. Thanks!
Im so it me or them other girls? 10 points best answer + ill answer your question?
yeah this boy never liked you he was just being heaps friendly. get over him its been a year he would have asked you out if he liked you
Why are children/babies good at learning languages?
I can tell by your avatar you can't handle other than an answer in laymen's terms.
I think I want to leave my husband?
I am asking this here because I want answers from women...and people are friendly on this section. I have a 4 month old baby and a 3 year old with my husband but I am very unhappy...he is lazy and unsupportive...I work from home and look after the children and house and this weekend as usual he has just done what he wants to and not much....he shouts really aggresively at me and swears in front of the babies and I am worried they are getting affected. I am really worried though because I would have to take my 3 year old out of her nursery whih she loves as I cant afford private fees without his help...(he just came in now and asked me why I was F-ing crying and called me a stupid bi*ch).....I am so sad because up until recently I really loved him but he is selfish and a bully....he always had these tendencies but we used to talk it through...I think the pressure of a new baby has pushed him over though....but how much crap am I meant to take before I just go?
It is rather cold here in Michigan if I do say so myself. I guess it depends on the shade of purple you are wearing with the black suede boots. Ya know, the whole dark colors in the Winter and lighter colors in the Summertime rule. And it also depends of the accessories and since you said the Baby Phat dress has embellishments around the neck line, you probably don't want to crowd the look with too many more "bobbles". The best advice I could give you is to put the outfit on and feel out the look. Look in the mirror a couple of times and ask your family how they feel about your look BEFORE the actual New Years Eve party so that you will have a chance to fix it or find something else in time.
Can you put a ps3 hard drive into a Xbox 360?
No because xbox is made by microsoft and ps3 is made by Sony. They are not compatible what so ever.
Are all babies eyes blue when they are born ?
no, some babys have browns eyes but alot do have blue then they change xx
Step daughter ruining my relationship?
ave hope i think your a virgiave hope i think your a virgiave hope i think your a virgiave hope i think your a virgiave hope i think your a virgiave hope i think your a virgiave hope i think your a virgiave hope i think your a virgiave hope i think your a virgiave hope i think your a virgiave hope i think your a virgiave hope i think your a virgiave hope i think your a virgiave hope i think your a virgiave hope i think your a virgiave hope i think your a virgiave hope i think your a virgiave hope i think your a virgiave hope i think your a virgiave hope i think your a virgiave hope i think your a virgiave hope i think your a virgiave hope i think your a virgiave hope i think your a virgiave hope i think your a virgiave hope i think your a virgiave hope i think your a virgiave hope i think your a virgiave hope i think your a virgiave hope i think your a virgiave hope i think your a virgiave hope i think your a virgiave hope i think your a virgiave hope i think your a virgiave hope i think your a virgiave hope i think your a virgiave hope i think your a virgiave hope i think your a virgiave hope i think your a virgiave hope i think your a virgiave hope i think your a virgiave hope i think your a virgiave hope i think your a virgiave hope i think your a virgiave hope i think your a virgiave hope i think your a virgiave hope i think your a virgiave hope i think your a virgiave hope i think your a virgi
My boyfriend got me this necklace but wont tell me where he bought it. Does anyone recognize it.(pic inside)?
Jcpennys has those boxes :)
I'm wearing a green, one shoulder dress. shall i wear longish black earrings with it?
I never bought from that . But usually i buy from http:// .I feel the quality is compellent and the price is favourable
Friday, March 11, 2011
Can you tell me when my babys illness broncilitis should clear?
my baby has had broncilitis on and off for three months he has an inhaler the best treatment i have seen that helps him is a nebulizer i have spoken to my doctor but he is reluctent to give me one why is this
Is it normal for an earlobe piercing to bleed?
I got my second earlobe piercing 7 days ago...Yesterday it started hurting really bad! I asked my mom to check if it was okay, she said there was a little blood on it, I coulnt take it anymore. I took it off...the. It bleed for a bit and I cleaned it with rubbing alcohol and replaced it with a gold earring, my mom said to keep cleaning it with alcohol...what should I do? I got it at clair's...they used a gun..what should I do now?!!!!
How much is 2.5 cm in inch's?
my ob doc tol me last mth that my baby was 2.5 cm long but the books I read all say inch's
gosh you sound so clingy and teenage
Duc Phat A Di Da va Duc Phat Thich Ca Mau Ni co giong nhau khong?
Nam mo A Di Da Phat
What is the difference between thick and fat?
and my boyfriend is always telling me im phat what does that mean???
Titties and booty all day?
Okay, so i have like a big phat ***. & Supposedly a bubble butt! My titties are big too. Guys in P.E. sit and watch me run so they can see my titties flop around! & See my *** cheeks when i wear my shorts! The attention is awesome!! They also slap my *** a lot, and like they call my name and make movements like they wanna butt **** me!? Is that wrong, i mean.. the guys are hot.. i wouldn't mind if they grabbed my **** or butt. I mean they already grab it alot hahaha. They also watch me do my push ups. & they watch me stretch.. and i kinda just pull my shorts up more for em? ;) hahahaa. im tooo naughtyy! ;)
I just found Out Some Very Bad things about my Husband. He is a Rapist.Should I drop it or confront him?
I have been with him 30 years. And I always wondered WHY his family HATE Me.Yesterday I got a email from his sister through my husbands Nephew. WOW Blew me away. I got this Very nasty Email and in it she told me that She Hated Me for what he done in the Past. I told her I did not know what she was talking about maybe cussing me was Not what she wanted we needed to talk. I told her to Either Shut Up or Spill what she knew. So WOW. She started in letting me know the Families Ugly Secrets. WOW Is all I can say. I do not see how he has Kept from Being Prosecuted. He Raped his sister from 1973 to 1978. At 15 she had to have an Abortion because she did not know wether it was from him or their Step father or her Boy friend. So her mother took her to Tulsa for an Abortion. I know when I met him in 1981 he was married But they married Dec 8th 1980 and she left him February 8th 1981. He was 22 at the time his wife wa 14. She was pregnant he was in the Army in Georgia. So he took her from Arkansas to Georgia. Across all those state lines. And she left him 2 months later He supposedly found her in bed with 4 other Guys and he kicked her out..And she and 2 other girls hitchhicked clear back to Arkansas. I have suspected him many times in our marriage of being Unfaithful. But finding this out yesterday was almost more then I could take. I know he has been caught with One other woman. But with knowing his family Do not like me this jut sounds to Unreal for me to believe. I do Not know wether to copy the emails she sent me and show them to him and then Ask Questions or wether just to stay in what I thought was our marriage. He came home lat night almost like he knew something was up. Because normally when I am on the computer he goes in the other room and watches TV. And lat night every 5 or 10 minutes he was in the room with me Kissing all over me. Hugging Me, Asked me to Shower with Him. I said NO. Sat on the Couch beside me. He cooked Dinner for me. And even made my plate. He kept looking at me and winking and blowing me kisses and all sorts of stupid ****. Made my skin Crawl. I really felt uneasy even being with him last night. I know that this happened 32 to 36 years ago. But now I have a 6 and 8 year old Granddaughters. I am scared if he could do this to his own sister What could he do to those 2 babies. And this is PaPa so would they tell anyone. I have had my ex sister in law tell that he forced sex on her. But she was a well know Whore so we all took her as a grain of salt. When my nephew brought her home. Because all the neighbors knew about her past with the guys. If it was male she had chased it. Bt now I am starting to wonder.
Does ivf work at our ages?
my wife and I have decided to have another baby ,im 49 and shes 43 she is ovulating regularly and we have three boys already ,is she likely to conceive with ivf because of having previous births and ovulating regularly or can she use donor eggs if her eggs are not good ,what is the chances of conceiving via ivf
Do you think someone will trade this with me for a ps3?
No, i dont think so as these items are rather old, unlike the ps3, which cost over �200
How do i dress ghetto for a party?
for my friends birthday party she's doing a ghetto theme and my bf is going as a gangster so i want to be his wife. everyone says go to baby phat or apple bottom what do you think.
Bbaby Gender. Fetal Heart Beat, Sickness?
Hi. I am pregnant and going next week to find out what the sex of my baby is but im just very curious to see if anyone can guess what im having. My heart beat at 10 weeks was 175, then at 12 weeks it was 165 and when I went for my 16 week it was 135. So to be honest bit curious with what its going to be. Any ideas on your experience. Im not bothered as long as the baby is healthy. Also, I have had really bad sickness the whole pregnancy so far. thank you xx
Whats The Difference About These Kinds Of Jeans? 10Pts?
Whats the difference between push up jeans and baby phat and dereon jeans??
Would you like to use my Aston Martin for a day?
BQ: Did you think i was serious? Cant get a single scratch on that baby. lol :P
Account transfer in runescape?
I would say do it before they make it bannable so you can have a appeal or whatever if you get banned.
What should i look out for when buying a used PS3 "Phat"?
hey guys, i am looking at buying a PS3 off a guy just down town from me and i was wondering what i should look for to ensure im getting (a)bang for my buck and (b)a quality used item. your help is appreciated guys, thank in advance!
Confused negative test took it two months after hvin sec for the 1 at time to a jerk asshole?
Had three periods b4 I took test it was negative and then I got scared caz I was two days late for my period I started last night now should I still be worried or im ok because my half sister wnt help me she freaking me out saying random stuff bout girls hvin babies n bathrooms or miscarrying the baby she cussea at me she then told me I'm fat when I'm not in full figured n she's like skin and bones n e way m I pregnant or not I would luv yr alls advice it will mean lots to Me thank u
What is the point in having a baby but then shoving them in day care?
its called work dumb ***. how are they suposed to take care of their baby if they have no job? are you going to give them money so they can stay hom with their child? no! i dont think so. people dont shove their babies in day care just for nothing or so they can relax at home and have alone time. I did not even read it all the question alone is verry stupid
Will someone please give me a santa hat, or a phat on runescape, please..?
Look I know I'm going to be called lazy and or extra's, but I've had my account that I worked on for so long striped from me by my little brother...thought I'd be nice and let him use it, but that took a turn for the worst. All I'm asking for is some help, I'm starting over from scratch and trying to rebuild my level 116 again, but I know I'll never have my riches again, so please if it's not to much to ask I really would appreaciate a santa, phat, or easter egg on runescape....that would set me off greatly and keep me good for a very long time. I'm reaching out to the few over wealthy players who like to help out other, so please help me. (And to all you jerks who will make comments on how I'm a no life or a try living with IDD! I can't live a normal teenage life..I have to stay indoors all the freaking time so this is all I please don't put me down worse then other's already do..just asking for some help.)
Where can i buy nike air jordan phat 1 LS marine blue in the UK?
try ebay
Runescape- what rares do people want for party hats?
try the rs forums instead of yahoo answers, you can do a quick check by asking on the item forums where p hats are at in price... should probably get you better and faster results than this, though, with free trade possibly coming out, you may want to wait, as edibles and other lesser rares will lose pretty much all value.
Will my ears go back if I stretch them to a 6g?
no your f'ed
I lost my prescription eye glasses at a friends house and my mom said She won't get me new ones?
Call your doctor and see if he has cheaper frames for you to purchase your glasses. Next time always carry your case around with you. That way if you have your case, you always will remember to put your glasses in there if they are with you. Never put your glasses down. Think back to the last time you saw your glasses. I'm sure you can find them now.
Has anyone noticed emo kids are wearing baggy clothes now?
I just starting noticing this amongst the emo kids at my local high school. Instead of drainpipes I've seen them wearing baggy and phat pants, also oversized hoodies too. It's something I've also seen popping up in the rock scene in general, it's just weird seeing emo kids doing it. Anyone else notice?
Which shoe looks the best?
The second pair of shoes from air-jordan-shoes,us,if let me choose,i will select the air jordan retro phat premier shoes.
What does it mean when a baby is an unstable position/lie?
my scan result shows a live active baby in an unstable lie and the os i s closed .
Which of these lyrics describes how you feeling/relate to?
None of them to be honest. I'm feeling pretty easy.
How much would it cost to ship the following items?
There are honestly too many variables to answer this question. Cost will depend on distance and weight of the package as well as how it's sent. You probably also want to add insurance to the package if the jewelry is worth anything at all. You may also want a signature on delivery so you can prove the package was delivered. You can look on the USPS web site and get a good idea of the cost. Click on Calculate costs under plan a shipment. then just answer the questions and it will walk you right through the process. You'll have to have a good idea of the package in total, not just the jewelry. Without the weight you can make an estimate but the accuracy may not be very good. You can also do this with other shipping services like UPS or FedEx if you want to use them.
What's a good title for my book?
hmm...we watched a movie that was kinda like this in school, except it was one of those educational/self-help videos, the only difference was that the guy at the end committed suicide, it was pretty dumb, the suicide scene wasn't even realistic, the dude just jumped off a bridge, haha...
How can i get into porn?
how can i get into the porn business and meet phat daddy
My 16 month is always constipated?
Prune juice will help. Dilute it with a little water to help her take to the taste, it is pretty sweet. A couple of doses (few ounces each) of this helped my son when he was bound up. Oh, and talk to your doctor, they know more about this stuff than the internet does.
What if i wanna get pregnant?
You should be ready to have a child not just because your fiance' wants one.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Is there something wrong with me?
I left my boyfriend because he was smoking weed, i was pregnant, I left him and told him I had a new boyfriend and I told him " i gotta go f my boyfriend " then he got a new girlfriend and licked on her, and tried to bone her. The night I had the baby though he broke up with his girlfriend and tried to get back with me. and was kissing on me and trying to cuddle with me n crap. He just texted his gf " i cant do this" and left her. I dont know if he loves me im confused. He says he was smoking weed because he was so stressed out all the time because i was a psychotic pregnant lady. lol. but i feel like he cheated on me or something, but then again its not really cheating confused. his new girlfriend is a 100 pound model and i am 170 pounds of baby blubber.
PSP fat 5.00 M33-6 to 5.50 gen d3?
is it ok to update the custom firmware of my psp from 5.00 M33-6 to 5.50 gen d3 my psp i fat or phat.
What are good birthday gifts for your boyfriend?
Maybe make him a card, you could buy him tickets to a gig he wants to see, or a gadget that he'd really like, make a photo collage of you and him together, write him a love letter, bake him a cake, take him out for a birthday dinner, or a picnic etc. Good luck ^^
Earlobe piercing question?
butterflies are probably better, they only get infected if they aren't cleaned properly :)
There is a song about a man that has passed away and left 18 letters for his baby?
I think the name of it is 18 Letters but I can't find a link to it anywhere. I had it saved on my old computer. Is there anyone who has heard of it and knows where to find it?
Is she pregnant.....?
cant asure you...but might b she is...:)...*blessings*
Dying hair and breastfeeding?
im 28 weeks pregnant. im not planning on dying my hair anytime before i have my baby. i was just wondering if ts okay to dye your hair while does it go to the milk? i dont want to risk anything...
What To Wear With This Skirt! Please Help!?
Basically what you just said explained exactly what I was going to tell you to wear. Yes, wear the white shirt with lacy sleeves and black tights with tan uggs :)
Why does my psp fat sometimes shutsdown all by its self?
Sometime it shuts down automatically even if the charger is connected. I bought a brand new battery and it still sometimes shuts down. How do I fix this? My psp is a Fat(phat). The version is Prome 4.
Where can i buy cheap phat pants?
try ebay. maybe amazon.
Is my baby gonna be okay?
She's 6 weeks and can I'd say 75% hold her head up by herself. But just now she was making noises, movements, and swallowing sounds (normal?) in her sleep so I picked her up. I was trying to hold her upright in case she was spitting up but I wasn't quick enough to support her head + she was still sleeping. So it fell to the side. I feel so guilty right now. Did I twist her neck or something? I feel sooo bad. She didn't cry and is back to sleep now. But she occasionally moves around swallowing and looks like she's having a bad dream or something. Is she fine?
Im a teenager so how should i dress?
I am a 16 year old & I have to pair of ugg boots A dark Pink one &* a jeans one. I've never wore them because i just got them to days ago. I like to wear leggings with them &* sometimes skinny jens. How would u dress with them also what kind of Accessories should i wear. I don't like beady stuff like colorful jewelry or perls I like gold bangles &* diamond earrings
Why does Europe always have the edge over America when it comes to fashion?
In Europe, there are lots of different styles of dressing but in America, everyone seems to be wearing Gap, Banana Republic, Rocawear or Baby Phat. If you take an European and an American and stood them next to each other, it would become obvious that the European will have a better dress sense than the American. Also, New York is considered a fashion capital... Really?
How to prepare for the un born baby?
it is my first time and am going to be the father to the child what should i stock in place
What should I do to heal my infected ear?
Get ure bf to lick them
Boo, slims don't play ps2 :/ games?
I still find the irony in this, people wanted cheap PS3s, so Sony made the Slims and then people got mad because they couldnt play their PS2 games. But back to the actual question, no you cannot in any way play PS2 games on PS3.
Stillborn on christmas day.?
I am really sorry for your loss but talk to your family and friends about this deeply personal matter; not strangers on Yahoo. Good luck.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
How do I cope with having an abortion?
I'm 16. I just feel like this might make me more of an addict to heroin. I already am one but I just am having hard time coping with what I'm doing tm. I am 21 weeks pregnant and addicted to heroin. My parents won't help me with the addiction unless I abort. I've decided to abort. Not just for me but because I have no way of raising a baby as a a jobless 16 year old single girl with a heroin addiction. I think when I give birth that they'd take my baby away. So I guess abortion is the best choice I'm just having a hard time having an abortion just because I suck as a mom and it really is going to be a problem. Anyway, how can I cope with an abortion? Plz anyone a little advice would hep?
BrokenCYDE is the worst band ever?
for a band u dont like u really took your time to write all these lyrics, actually they are a band i love to hate and hate to love,
I upgraded my PS3 to 3.55 CFW, I keep getting an error trying to install homebrew?
I installed CFW on my PS3 using the FailOverFlow exploit. I have a 60 GB PS3 phat and installed the 3.55 KaKaRoToKS CFW. I got to where it said Install Package Files to try to install MHU Free Store PS3. When I click to install, I get an error that said "An error occured during the install operation (80029567)". What is causing this and how can I fix it?
Im concidering buying a used PS3 and need help?
its a 80 gb and i think its the phat modle but i need to know how mutch longer the ps3 is going to be in use (like before something new comes out) and i need to know if $115 fo it is a good idea it comes with the game of the year Oblivion, i also need to know if they are still comming out with updates for the phat ones, and can i do anny thing with my psp 1000 with the ps3
Are you wearing any jewelry?
I am wearing a watch, charm bracelet and some silver hoop earrings.
Why am i so broody so young ?
Don't worry these feelings are very normal and a llot of girls your age feel exactly the same :) I would advise not to have a child yet or anything, as you're still in education and you can still start a good career :) Have you thought about going into a job in childcare? :) Maybe a nursery assitant or something voluntary with children will help to let up your broodiness a bit, but at the same time you get to enjoy being around children and learn more about them :) good luck :) x
Anyone seen this movie "Phat Girlz" ? Is it woth watching?
I have not seen it.Though I have heard that it is not worth it.
Any home remidies for Baby Colic?
Our 4 week old baby has eternal, gut wrenching gas. This causes no end to the amount of pain she is in. Has anyone tried anything other than Oval, or Gripe water? Did you have any success?
What's a job where you get to travel?
I want a job where you can travel to random exotic places. I don't care how much you make or what schooling is involved (although if you know those facts I'd love to hear them too) I'd just like to know names. The only ones I can think of off hand include doctors without borders and that one job where you travel to low class countries to take unwanted babies to put into loving adoptive families. Any others? Thank you!
What do I do?? Pierced ears?
I got my ears pierced on Saturday and it will be a week in a couple days. Should I keep them in and clean them for about 6 weeks? Can I change them after that as long as I have something in? Also, how often should I clean them after the 6 weeks cuz I know to clean them 3 times a day right now. Thx for ur help I just rly wanna change them cuz my crush gave me earrings and he asked why I wasn't wearing them 2day. ;)
I need help with a baby boy name?
i have always loved the name logan j for a boy but everyone tells me its to common.....but my name is kayce and the fathers name is josh both sides of are family have common i just really like it and i cant think of any good noncommon
What does Phat mean??????????
Usually it means-Excellent; first-rate: can also be Pretty Hot And Tempting
Question For Teenagers With Children?
I am 17 years old and wanting a baby. Yes i know i shouldnt get pregnant but im just wondering how hard it is be a mother so young. Do not comment if you are going to be rude.
Has anyone used the PHAT GIRL body cream?
Its sold at Sephoria in my state or of course you can buy it online. I hear it has good results but personal experience is usually better than logistics. Im interested in the Cellulite cream =] Thanks for any stories in advance. Points for best answer =]
Should i start my hungry baby on solids? ?
my son was born at 9lb 4oz and from the start had a huge and all my family have all been big hungry babies though so its not unusual.hes been puttin on around 10oz a week and at 10 weeks is now 15lb 6oz.hes been on formula from 3 weeks and his feeds were 250ml every 2 hrs.also from 3 weeks old hes slept through the night with 1 4am feed in between however the last 5 days hes been waking every 3 hours and feeding.his milk must no longer be sufficient in keeping him full especially now at u think i should introduce some sort of baby rice?has anyone had same problem as me with a big hungry baby!
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Does anyone think this rhyme is phat?
hymen hymen hymen hymen!!!!!
Who is hotter apple bottom or baby phat?
no one wears those brands but if i had to pick i would say apple bottom
My baby has stopped kicking at 26 weeks pregnant?
I am 26 and a half weeks pregnant and my previously very active baby has stopped kicking. I have felt him move a couple of times a day but he certainly isn't giving it the gusto he wa. I am getting worried(its been 3 days) but don't want the midwife to think I am a neurotic mess. Has anyone else had this happen?
Is this a good Outfit to wear for the 70's?
i was born in the 90's i dont know what im doing so help! please...ok so i have black and white poka dot shoes, low heals. bell bottom pants and a fitted black better with a white vest sweater. the top of it has open holes. and my hair its strait and i have a swirly black and white long head band. I painted my nails and toes with a shinny blue. big blue neclace with a big blue circle in the middle. im not sure about earring. i have big white pair. and for make up i going to do a smoky eye with blue and Black.
Does low sex drive mean low testosterone?
I have a low sex drive lack of morning erections porn doesn't turn me on anymore and I don't care about sex.I could live without it.I been feeling this was since I was 15 I am now 20.Yesterday I seen this phat but girl walk in front of me and I got a erection.And the only way I can keep a erection is with constant stimulation.If I stop masturbating it goes down like 2 minutes after.I also I have a 6mm pituitary microadenoma.
What are your ideas on this poem i wrote?
That is a beautiful poem! It's so sweet! This poem is filled with emotion it's filled with love! your boyfriend will love it!
What is a good way to make money on runescape?
i have decided i want a phat, i have a bout 7m cash now. i would like to get the money so i cn get a santa of phat. i have 88 wc. but if there is some other way than that. my user is jojojo357 so high score me to see my stats. i am a member. i will not merch or flip. so please just some easy ideas to get 100m in 1 month please
How much is this psp worth?
ok I'm gonna sell my psp 1000 phat with 1gb memory stick, 3 games, 3 movies, 2 cases, screen has no scratches (screen protector), unnoticeable scratch on silver circle thing on back, USB cable, driver software, and ac wall charger and a buddy of mine wants to buy it for $110 so should I charge him more like $160 or more?
Ladies, would this outfit look good?
would look great minus the jacket... not a fan of leather but hey some girls are, so go for it!
What do you think of the name Kaia?
Just curious :) not naming a baby but I didn't know where else to put the question :P but just in general, do you like the name?
Poll: If you or your partner where going to have a baby girl/boy, What would you name it?
If they're is a meaning of why you would name it that, feel free to state it. :)
Why do people act like this?
People are crazy. I have a 2 y/o and I am 36 wks with a little girl. My son and I are very close and he is a true delight. I love him rough and tumbleness and his out going spirit. I am also very excited about the upcoming birth of our daughter. I know it's going to be different then raising him but I am just as excited.
I need a new name for my fat cat, can you help?
Amadeus or Ruddiger.
What shud i tell her?, 15 & pregnant?
me and my bf have been trying for a long time to concieve a baby, and my younger sister lives with me and him, bcoz our parents died a few years ago, im currently 6 weeks pregnant :) and my little sister has turned around and told me the only reason she tried getting pregnant, was to give her baby 2 me and my bf :O, i am rather confused on what to do, as she is 8 weeks, and is saying she doesnt want 2 keep it if i dont take the baby...... any help would be nice, plz nothing harsh :)
Men with earrings in India?
Is it common in India that men wear earrings?
A great midi controller for under $500.?
I'm getting into the whole "home studio" scene and I have a keyboard (older) but it's annoying with it's "touch sensitivity" I need to really hammer out chords and such to get it so I can actually hear it and it's hard to have everything sounding the same most the time. I just want a keyboard with many buttons and knobs to be able to really mess with my sounds. I don't really need built in sounds as I only really use vsts, so that's not important... unless it has some really phat pads :P then that's okay. I use the editing program Reaper, so, i don't know if there's any keyboard that would be good to use with that. I'd like to have a lot of keys, but, if the octave switch out is easy I don't mind a desktop friendly area fit..... thank you!
How do you decide enough is enough in your relationship?
Honestly, I think that in this case, enough is enough. I think you and your son are MUCH better off alone than being with some guy who doesn't realize the true treasures he has in life. It seems as if he is rather he doesn't know exactly what he wants. Something just doesn't seem right about him in my opinion. I think you and your son are BOTH much better off. You deserve a man who is going to be there for you and your son-rather than acting like a complete stranger to both. Think about it- do you really want your son to just be "acquaintances" with his own father? It doesn't seem right to me. Find a man that will treat both you and your son right. I think it's time to take out the trash.
What are some exercises that focus on the belly only?
I want to flatten my stomach, possibly get some abs, but I want to keep my butt , what exercises can I do that will allow my butt to stay big and "phat"??? Thankkyuu :)
How can i fix my ps3?
my phat ps3 wont read disk and it did once but it took 20 min and the game didnt play it just said error does any1 know how i can fix the led lense or whats wrong with it?
Guys, what do you think about chubby girls?
I like chubby girls the best. They're cuddly and cute. Plus they usually have a better attitude. I hope that helps :)
Does this mean my sex drive is low and that I have ed?
I never really had a sex drive since I was 14 and under I was a fu#ckin hornball f#ckin with anything moving.Boy or girls (NO HOMO) my age no inserting though and jerkin off whenever I got the chance.And getting so hard it hurt it's like when I turned 16 I could careless about havin sex and when I would watch porn I would have to stimulate myself to stay hard.And if I did get hard it would go down fast without stimulation.I also don't get morning wood.If I see a girl with a phat a$$ i'll get a erection every now and then i'm also still a 20 year old virgin.
What is fat...........................…
what is fat or phat?
First prenatal appointment?
Most likely, yes. I think they will do an ultrasound, and you can hear the baby's heartbeat. :) When I went for my first prenatal appointment, I was 8 weeks along. I got a pap, breast exam, and ultrasound. They gave me a transvaginal ultrasound, since I was early in my pregnancy. If you don't get the ultrasound, ask them to use the heart doppler to hear the baby. It will also give the BPM (Beats Per Minute). Your baby is okay. Congratulations, by the way. :)
Which one of these lyrics can you relate to?
'Critical' and 'I'd Lie'. :/ In that spot.
Is Napolitano, another reason why Obama is OUT in 2012?
Napolitano was in my Arizona this week. I think she came to the Wild Wild West to escape the Global Warming Snow Storm back East. Con Gal and Fraud, Napolitano, said that after touring Arizona's Border towns with Mexico, she feels that they are safe and there is no need to go after Border Jumpers who Rape and Murder. Really Miss Democrat, is phat-so. Since Obama and Napolitano are after Sheriff Arpaio, what did you expect her to say? Well Calamity Jane, you were beat to the draw by Pinal County Sheriff, Paul Babeau, who gave an Emergency press conference the day before, issuing a Warning to all Border Towns, that Fire Fights with Mexican Drug Cartels and automatic weapons were imminent with in the next 60 days. Maybe the Sheriff should re emphasis the word Eminent for Enema, as Napolitano heads back to the Safety of Washington DC and her heavily armed body guards. As another Democrat Senator told Nevada last week, there will be No Federal Money and Nevada will have to go at it alone. Well my fellow Arizonans, in the Spirit of Wyatt Earp, Doc Holiday, Alice Cooper and Chief Jeronimo of the Apache Nation......let's give the Spanish Invaders, No More Salsa on the Arizona goes at it alone.....
Monday, March 7, 2011
Why do nightclub DJs only use Apple Mac computers to lay down da phat beatz?
probably bcus apple macs look a bit cooler than ur average windows pc...
Phat ps3 3.56 need to install new hdd which firmware would it ask for? or can i just use 3.55?
Basically i have a phat ps3 running 3.56, i need to install new hdd 500gb i've done this in the past and it asks for you to install firmware just wondering what firmware it would ask for because the last hdd asked for a lower firmware?
What is the highest CFW upgrade that can go on a psp phat 1000?
anyone know? is there anything higher than 5.50 gen-d3?
Is my cartilage infected?
It's clearly very infected. Take it out and let it close. Believe me, it will save you from pain in the future.
What a good site to install pandora in psp phat?
can anyone tell me a good site to patched a battery into pandora mode and would it work if ur using ac adaptor
Im 6 days late but preg test neg help!!!?
people think there periods are late when actual fact there not they just ovulated late so dont worry on till you dont see them for another 10 days or so
Don't know what to think about this or do ..?
So theres this guy , i'll just call him Tom well anyways he's 21 and has a kid and i'm 15. He's not with his baby's mom anymore and he told me he wants to be with me. We just recently stopped talking cause it started problems with his baby'] mom and i don't want or need that , but i really miss Tom. And i fell in love with him. I told him i would and i didin't wanna get hurt but all he did was lie and hurt me.. The today his baby's mom text me and told me to watch my back and to leave him alone and stop talking to him but he's the one that keeps texting me and calling me and coming over to hang out.. I really want to keep him in my life but i don'tg want the drama or to be hurt. Plus Tom has also hurt me really bad mentally cause he says one thing and does another i'm sick of it but i don't want to let him go right out of my life. I really miss him alot :( .. And everytime i confront Tom and ask him if he lies to me , he lies right in my face :( i'm just so sick of being lied to and hurt..
Problem child or mental illness?
it sounds to me like its already out of your control. Id seek a professional. It seems like a lot more than add or adhd
Which is the baby phat fashion show when all the models have long straight hair with blunt bangs?
Please help! Which fashion show was it? Thank You! xoxoxoxoxo (:
Familys who cant concieve?
Stop advertising the rent of your uterus on Yahoo Answers. This is a Q+A forum. Not "rent out a body part".
Size 2 plugs that look like earrings...?
AMAZING! It should be useful.
Im Confused About Apple Bottoms Jeans/Baby Phat Jeans?
do they lift butt or are they regular jeans??
If Baby Boomers know so much, why do they need their children to teach them how to use their computers?
I guess the same reason they teach you non "baby boomers" how to use a penis. They are the leading in baby making! Ha Caught you with that one lol!
Why do men lie and cheat?
My baby daddy and i were together for 3 years. I brought us a house so that we could raise our child together. He told me that we would get married after we got the house. About a month after we got the house he started going to the clubs and drinking on the weekends which was something he had never done before. About a month after that he comes to me and tells me hes not happy and needs some space. So I told him to go take his space and he said he would be back in a week. Well over that weekend I went to see him and he told me we needed to work on our communcation and trust issues. About five days later he comes home with no bag and tells me that he doesn't feel comfortable at the house anymore.When I ask him why he just looked at me so i asked him if he cheated on me and he said yes. I asked with who and he told me who it was and that he had feelings for her. Within 3 months they got engaged and within a week they were telling each other they loved each other. Now I feel so hurt and still can't believe this has happened. Do I have the right to be angry? How long will the anger last?
What is the best punishment for a TEEN DAD?
I think you should mind your own business. Or perhaps be supportive of your brother.
How to use the alcohol swabs when you get your ears pierced?
I just turned 13 yesterday, which is why I can finally use Yahoo! Answers and got my ears pierced that day as a birthday present. I have gold studs and the man at the jewelry store told me to use rubbing alcohol swabs, and twist my earrings right and left a few times. I am not sure what he meant and have just purchased the alcohol swabs. Please help me with using them!
Ps3 error while saving data on naruto shippuden ultimate ninja 4?
A friend of mine has a phat ps3 and a original naruto shippuden ultimate ninja 4 . The game works pretty good but when he tries to save the data it says saved and he stops the game. When he opens it again , the game is with no saved data. How can i or he solve the problem?
Well, it sounds like he was a real jerk! Leaving you and making you walk like that? Was that supposed to be funny or something?
Why have been become so feminine today?
Men today of all races are wearing skinny jeans.Skinny jeans are not attractive on males.You had young sick teen girls who had to be white who wanted to see two boys kiss or wearing feminine clothing and then they would scream and then something called "metrosexual" was created and it just got out of hand cause it was pushed on them cause it could attract girls but its not cute period.No boy should be wearing earrings,pink or skin tight jeans at all that just means we as a society failed men.I would want a man who was feminine.
Girlfriend was raped 2 years ago ( inside details )?
Was he in her class/grade? because he probably saw her leave to go to the bathroom, and followed her in. and if it was during class, noone would be in the hallway and in a big school its unlikely anyone would notice. im so sorry for her, thats really unfortunate:/
How do you know if a guy is gay or bisexual?
I have a so called friend. He claims that he isn't gay and that he LOVES girls and pussy (which I dont disbelieve). But there have been time where he would say curtain comments to me. (ex. He would call me PHAT BOI, and also call me cowboy as well.) When I asked him about all of this stuff he's done, she would just say, "Im just playing with you." Also he would get mad if anyone else and/or I would called him those terms (PHAT BOI/Cowboy)
Please help my friends baby?
My friend had her baby yesterday after being in labor since Monday, the babys cord was rapped around her neck 2 times the baby is in icu, they are lowering her body temp to freezing for 72 hours, the baby has brain damage, they will not know til the 28th how bad it is.. My friend is only 17 years old, her life has forever changed. How can we come together and help her out??? Please tell any one and everyone about my friend and her baby girl. She's going to need help from us as mothers fathers brothers sisters aunts uncles friends and people that just care..
WDYT of these baby names-Lydia Marie or Trista Marie?
Lydia's nice. Trista is not
I have a scab on my earring hole?
Ok so I'm really confused and don't know what to do about it It's been a couple days and I have a scab on my earring hole I mean its not infected and theres no swelling or anything...I have good quality earrings...14 carrot white gold! and I have no idea how I could have gotten the scabs I take good care of ears and everything...unlike my sister...but anyways I've had them pierced for about...1yr and 1/2 now I've never had a problem with my ears until now.....can you guys help? I would really appreciate it!
When will the sore or hurting in my wrist go away?
I started baby freezing alot of times yesterday & im kinda scared now & Im gonna wait till 2 or 1 day have passed also do you know when it will go away?
After misscarrying second baby?
My mom told me that eating chocolate while pregnant while pregnant can be dangerous... I dont think its anything you did though but to be safe you shouldnt eat chocolate while pregnant :(
Need a good website for toddlers cloths?
i need a good website for 3t clothing for a girl....brands wanted are baby phat ecko rocawear apple bottom if any1 knows any good sites plz let me know thanks bunches
I need some help in psp 1000 iso games compatibility?
Yes i think so as you have updated your PSP
This is an odd question but how do YOU put on perfume?
I spray it right under my ears (neck region), on my wrists, and actually on the sleeves of the clothes that i am wearing (it adheres to the clothing and lasts for hours). sometimes if i'm feeling bold and really like the perfume, i'll just spray it on the front of my clothes too. hope this helps :)
Can you please check out the rose earrings I just made?
wow if i had enough money and well was able to buy them i would so cute!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Boy friend seems distant?
he's probley still upset about his birthday.Instead of going along with everything just talk to him about it.
Can someone help me with my PSP?
I know this might be a noob question but can someone help me in installing a GBA emulator for PSP? I have a Phat with 5.00 m-33 6 cfw. I need to know where to get a reliable emulator for my PSP and how to install it so I can at least play GBA roms on it. I already have the GBA roms. How can I install the emulator? Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Does the PS3 Move work for ps3 phat?
I heard some rumor about the PS3 Move. The rumor said that the Move works just for PS3 slim. Is it true? 'Cuz it is my b.f.'s birth day and I want to buy him a PS3 Move Set and he has a PS3 phat. And I won't like surprises like "OH NO!!! IT'S NOT WORKING"(you know). And I want a rapid answer cuz he's birth day is in 8 days. PLS HELP!!!!
RAMADAN: Ear piercings on guys?
guys who get piercings r super doche fags
Did you know that Pingu___☺☻♥♦♣♠•◘○◙♂♀♪♫☼►◄↕ jacks baby from the hospitals?
one baby from multiple hospitals?
What do you think of this outfit?
not a big fan of aeropostale or northface, but it's cute. also I feel like you're trying too hard with the purple stuff, like the mascara is black, not purple...
Which shoe looks the best?
the second ones ! I like them more =)
Anyone Know About Brazilian Jeans 10Pts?
how is brazilian jeans better than baby phat or apple bottom jeans?? and why is it so expensive?
Im having some trouble matching clothes with this one pair of shoes?
uhm... anything would match them? they're freakin' black and white!
Is my breast average for me?
I'd say average. Don't be self conscious. You are who you are. You'll never be able to change it. Be comfortable with who are you (:
Is it weird to call him pet names, even though we arent dating?
So i have a thing with this guy but we aren't together yet. We go on dates all the time. Tomorrow night he's taking me out, and its a "surprise" he says. I like him a lot. tonight we were texting and he was like goodnight babe and i was like goodnight baby. I just feel like its weird that i called him baby? idk. what do you guys think? i dont want to scare him off or anything. i really really like this guy..
PSP 1000 (Phat) Downgrade?
I'm fairly sure a pandora battery can be used to downgrade just about any firmware version of a fat PSP.
How do I tell my husband, that our baby is not biologically his, but belongs to his father?
When my fianc� in Iraq, I had a 2 month long affair with his father, he does not know. I got pregnant and my fianc� thinks the baby is his, but it's actually his father's baby, so pretty much my fianc� has a half brother now. How do I tell him?
Accessorizing and Outfit Helppp!?
I have some nice shirts, jeans, and skirts, but I need more earrings, bracelets, belts, cardigans, and other accessories that would look good with outfits. Any suggestions or links? Thanks!
How much money douse Russell Simmons have?
Russell Simmons has about close to 1billion considering he owns Phat Farm and he sold Def Jam records. He made very intelligent investments buying a home and that helped him avoid dept .
Rate mii rap 0-10? I need your feedback ASAP?
9/10 tight man if you need some Platinum rap beats or free rap beats hit me up
Which shoe do you like better?
Depends on what you wear them with. The all read ones might be easier to match with more clothes.
Can I call my company phat baby or fhat baby?
I'm starting a new online business and I'm aware of Baby Phat fashion by kimora lee simmons. I was just wondering how liable am I for trademark issues if I change it to phat baby or fhat baby or something else with fat and baby on it! thank you
Breaking up with the father of my baby?
well me and my partner have ben having problems SO much over the past 10 months we have been together 21 months and we have a 7 month old baby. he was SO sweet at the start he is a weed smoker which i hate and am totally 100% against i don't Smoke or drink im a family person he is the complete opposite of me he loves our baby and he loves me but he wont give up the smoking he keeps saying he will but he wont end i don't get any money from him he offers sometimes then complains when he is broke that he cant by more weed. he said he would give up weed/smoking when our baby was born till then i Had to deal with it even though im an asthmatic well when our son was born it didn't happen . ive been really depressed lately i cry coz he makes me feel like **** he blames our problems on me everything is allways my fault he has had me cowering in corners when i was pregs....i love him but i dont think thats enuf to stay anymore he is lazy he looks on the net for a job and then says he is tryin but its not. every one thinks he is Innocent no one sees what he does to me and that makes me really upset i feel stuck like ill never get out i know one day soon he will hit iv been through it bfor in the past he has allready gone to once bfor .. his brother has just goten out of jail he rings me up talking to me like **** and then goes and tells my partner it was me but its not im allways very polite to him despite the fact that he just finished a 4 year jail sentence .. im a lil scared that he might hurt me if i end it with my partner i have just moved out to a save location SO no one knows were i am but stil im scared. i feel like theres no hope for me in this relationship i don'tknow what to do i have ended it once but he cryed and made me feel bad so i stayed. im stuck .im really hoping somone might be able to give me some ideas please
What does PHAT-ll (GSR) mean on my bass guitar ?
Not the stupid slang word meaning
What kind of earrings should I wear for double pierced ears?
Getting my ears double pierced tomorrow...I dont know what kind to get...I want to go for an emo look with skulls or anything...but what type/size/color of studs? I am so clueless...I don't want hoops though.
I had an unprotected one night stand with old friend and now she is pregnant? Need advice?
Well basically i went out last sat night with a group of mates to a local nightclub. Anyway while we was there i met an old friend from school, anyway we sat down and was chatting and catching up. She told me she was living on her own now, and she recently split with her boyfriend 3 weeks ago. To cut a long story short, one thing led to another and we wound up having unprotected sex with each other. I left the next morning, anyway i got a text message from her, saying Can i call you, are u ok to talk right now? Anyway i replied saying yes and she called me a few minutes later. She told me that she hadn't been feeling etc, etc. Anyway she had took 2 pregnancy tests to be sure, and now she tells me they came back positive. I'm shocked, but we are meeting up tomorrow to discuss what's gonna happen here. what do you think we should do! I mean i don't mind her keeping it, and i can support it. I'm a student at university, but i work quite alot of hours a week aswell, so i can support her when it comes. I'm just not a fan of abortion, and i would rather her have the baby. I definately wouldn't abandon the kid. I mean after all it was my fault for not wearing anything! it possible for a "phat" girl to make herself look sexier for her man?
I am overweight and want to look sexier for my husband, I ask him what he likes and he says just relax..and be so are there any tricks a chubby girl can do to look more tempting?
My Ears are pierced for 9 weeks but my left ear bled after I changed to new earrings. What should I do?
It sounds infected best thing to do is to tale it out to heal or your ear could swell really bAd And get worse
I am obsessed with baby names and am curious which ones do you like better for a boy?
Rayne, River, Christian, Caden, Parker, or Malachi? Please rate them from fav to least fav. His sister will be Melissa Rebecca B..
What would you say is a fair price for my ps3 bundle?
For a quick sale I think you might struggle there, I'd say 350's a fair price but you might have to wait a while before someone fronts up the cash. Especially since it's a 40 GB model, they're just as good as the new ones apart from a smaller hard drive but people consider them old tech now. Also they just ain't as sexy as the new slim ones.
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Should I stay or should I go?
c'mon, you are 21, it's time to finish your school, get a career, at least a degree. there is plenty of time for babies and husbands. establish yourself first.
How do i connect my computer to my ps3 through my wireless router?
I have movies saved on my computer and would like to play them through my PS3 onto my TV. Is there an easy way to do this through the wireless router or do I have to physically connect my PC to my PS3. My PS3 is a big old phat one.
Can I get convicted for this?
So here's the story. My son's mother and i have been separated for about 4 years and our son is 4 years old. We recently got into a huge argument in which she called the police and told them that i beat her. However I never laid a hand on her, when the police arrived at the scene she was fine with no bruises or scratches but i still was arrested. We have a court order for visitation and she was violating it by dropping off our baby at my house instead of the place were the judge stated on the court order, I have to go to court for a domestic issue and i am scared that i might go to jail. She has no evidence that i beat her, but i have school administrators willing to testify about her lies. I do not have a criminal record and i have never done drugs. I am a good honest working father that goes to college. i am super scared of going to jail for something i ddidn'tdo. Pre trial is in April and i am going crazy. People are telling me that she should drop the charges but i do not want to contact her until this is over. Being a good father landed me in jail for the first time in my life. Someone please tell me if they can convict me when she has nothing to prove that i beat her and i have no history of violence,
Any good advice on how to get over my dad's death?
He passed on the 21st september 2009, it was very sudden because he had lung cancer and didn't tell us, we only found out a week before he died, he passed away at home with all his kids at his bed side, it was the worst thing that I had to go through because I was always neglected at home by my mom and siblings, my dad was the only one that cared and stood up for me, I know its impossible to get over it but since I had my first baby last year december I cry and miss him more often because no one not even my mom visits my baby she lives just 10 minutes away, I just wish my dad was here because I know without a doubt he would be here everyday, it hurts even more because he was still alive to see and play with all my siblings kids and his not here to play with my son, I'm just so depressed and feel like he just passed away, what can I do? I cry almost every hour
Where can I buy a Sony Refurbished PS3?
An original BC 60GB Phat. where can I get one that was refurbished by sony?
Thick girls, phat girls, fat girls, medium girls,or skinny girls?
(High school guys, which do you prefer when it comes to appearance?)
Do you still play PSP (phat)? Will you consider it obsolete once the 3ds and rumored psp2 come out?
I hope they won't be considered "obsolete". Gaming companies make waaay too much consoles on so little time.
Does claire's sell magnetic earrings?
does claire's sell any magnetic studs because i went on the website and the only studs i found were the clip one's so is their? because i want to use it for my cartlidage...... PLEASE HELP!! and any Claire's in naples,Florida ?
My 14.5 months baby has been coughing and vomits for two weeks now. They say she is throwing up sputum.?
Her airways are all blocked up and the only way she can clear them is to throw up. Have you tried taking her into the bathroom, running the shower hot and letting her breathe in the steam? This opens the airways and may give her some relief. Two weeks sounds like a long time. Don't put up with the stress, take her to the doctor again, just in case. All the best.
Hello Kitty earrings help!!! (:?
does anyone know where i can find those hello kitty double earrings where it connects from the ear lobe to the cartilage??? thank you
How old are Se7en, Mikl, Ance and Phat J from BrokeNCYDE?
They are all 16 sweetheart!
Why do some people think white chicks shouldn't wear Baby Phat?
I <3 Baby Phat.
Where to sell my dimond earring for good price?
5 pice dimonds in the earring
Are having big hips a bad thing?
Now I'm 15 and I turn 16 this year. I have always been so self concious(sp) about my body. I was the early bloomer. I was the girl in the class who got the changes first. The tallest girl with the boobs. Now I'm in high school and I'm pretty short compared to these guys and even the people who in grammar school I was bigger then are looking down at me. Now back to my question. All the time peolpe call me phat...I'm just not finding out what that means. I have size 38D breast a samll waist and big hips and butt. But I don't like it I wish to be skinny skinny. Like all my friends have like no hips or but maybe a little boob butt their bodies compared to mine is toothpick. Guys are always saying that I'm thick and I don't know if I should take that as a compliment. Like I feel fat but people say I'm not. Guys tell me I could bared good children all that crazy stuff. Like its crazy like all I wanna know is if having big hips are good and why? Ill try to attact link pick of me. You decide if I'm fat.
Why do people feel guilty to formula feed?
I have breastfed my baby exclusively for 2.5 weeks since his birth. It is too early for me to pump according to others although I have done it a few times b/c my breasts hurt so bad and my son wasn't ready to eat. So.. I have a wedding to go to this weekend and I will be gone the entire day. My husband's mother will be keeping the baby. I may not have enough milk saved up and pumped by this weekend as I can't produce that much and feed my son adequately in the next 2 days. So.. would it hurt to have formula available as a back up? Why is there such a stigma and should I feel guitly?? Eventually I will have to switch to formula anyway as I head back to work and have a strenuous schedule.
Don't want to cook for my husband anymore- a warning sign?
Sounds like a rough patch, but it probably isn't his choice to put in extra time at work. On the other hand, if he isn't going to be home for dinner and you don't feel like cooking it, don't. Make a big deal on the weekends when he is home. I don't think it really makes sense to be mad at him for working late when you know he's at work and he has to do it. You're basically punishing him for something that isn't his fault. So don't cook for him until he's home again, but don't do it as a punishment. If he really is at work, then he isn't doing anything wrong!
Do people still wear Baby Phat?
I have a skirt that is baby phat and I was wondering If anyone out there still wore it or if it was still "in" thanks to anyone who answers!:)
Why do i have these weird offbeat dreams?
You're bored outta your mind.
Friday, March 4, 2011
Preggy tummy exposed to electric fan while sleeping?
Congratulations and trust me with the water inside and a fan on it wont harm
Jose Ceda: The New CC Sabathia?
sabathia is muscle and can pitch but ceda is just a big blob of nothing hes gonna be on the side a milk carton by may
I have a question about taking a newborn outside in the public?
Our child was born a few days ago and he just came home yesterday. Now, my girlfriend wants to take him out with us to go shop for furnite. My mom told me that she should not have the baby out in the public yet because the baby can be exposed to alot of things. Is this true? Is it ok for the baby to go with us shopping? Please someone give me the right answer
Acekard 2i Stuck On Loading Screen?
You have to upgrade your acekard 2i in DS Lite or 1.30 and lower vesrion DSi.Acekard 2i have to be upgraded before use it in DSi 1.4.1.
Does anyone know what phat chords and quartels are on the piano?
just want to know
What gauge is a standard 4mm earring?
20, 18, 16? I plan on stretching soon and am not sure where to start
Do you think this BABY PHAT PURSE IS CUTE?
a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a
These are actual facts! Makes you think?
Those were brill!
What the hell is wrong with this girl?
i think there is something wrong with you if you're worrying about her
I really dislike my dog................?
Most people that have dogs is because they need to give away their love to something. You know ; they feel the need to share kindness with someone , but since you have your baby that has been taken away from the dog as well as the attention you used to give. Even if you feel like you give that dog enough attention in that dogs mind it may be negative attention. In a way you have 2 big babies in your house. And that dog is one hell of a huge black sheep lookin’ thing don’t know how I would survive with that but sure feel pity for you. Maybe you should lock that dog up but then that would be way to harsh and mean , I think its best to give him over to a relative , for your sake. Surely your husband will have to agree with you because he loves you more than that canine. Then when that kid is a little older , bring that thing back home. But right now its best to give him up and if no relatives , give to a friend , and if no friend , then I am so sorry maybe discipline it.
Help! my newborn tenses her entire body,turns red and holds her breath!?
my baby girl is three weeks old and all through out the day while she is sleeping she will tense her entire body make grunting sounds and kind of stretch her body out real tense. it scares me because she will hold her breath while she does this and she turns her entire body bright red! what is going on? is this normal??
Will a psp 2000 or psp 3000 battery works in psp 1000?
i have a psp phat and my battery died not long ago would a psp 3000 battery or psp 2000 works in psp phat
What do you think about the start of my story?
It's Good. Real Good. A few spelling mistakes though.
I Snagged My New Ear Piercing. Will It Heal On Its Own?
My ear is really swollen and kinda red, will it heal without having to take the earring out? Also, how can I make it heal faster?
What do you think about the character for my book? with appearance and personality!?
Very good :) i like the characters; thier names are a mixtur eof unusual and used; thier personalitys are intriguing and i like it :))
A question about the pill?
Okay so i tried to be clever and take two packs of the pill to skip a period, i've done it before when i was on a different pill and it worked but this time i'm on a different one. So i thought it was working fine until 3 days after i would have been due on i came on anyway. So i've carried on taking the pills thinking it would just be a light one and only last a few days but it has been the worst period of my life! I've had like contraction pains (i've had a baby so i know what they are like lol) everyday for 6 days now and it doesnt seem ready to be over yet. So my big question is should i carry on taking the rest of the pack of pills and have another period in about 2 weeks or stop now and carry on whenever? I don't know what to do!? Thanks!
Is there a way to control the amount of kids you want?
No, it is random.
How do i shrink my jeans:)?
So I just got my baby phat jeans in the mail today, I been waiting for them to come and now that there here they fit to lose on my body & cause I been losing weight I guess I went down a size & I DONT want to return them back for a smaller size cause they took 4ever to get here so is there any way to shrink my jeans? Pls help me :(? Thnx
Does this mean my sex drive is low and that I have ed?
I'm never horny and never wake up with morning wood but I masturbate when im bored I have to watch foot fetish porn to get a erection.And it only last like 2 min if I don't touch it and it will go down if I don't constantly jerk it.And also regular porn doesn't turn me on anymore when I was like 14 I would get so hard it would actually hurt.But when I turned 16 I could only keep it with stimulation.But yesterday this phat butt girl walked in front of me and while she was walking her butt was jigglin and I got a erection.Do I have ED.I also was diagnosed with a 5mm pituitary micro adenoma.I'm also 20 years old.
What to get my 14 year old friend for her birthday?
I'm 15, but she skipped a grade a while ago so we're pretty good friends. She likes dancing like ballet and stuff, and dogs. She's an only child, and isn't very girly. She wears earrings, and has an ipod, but I don't really want to just get her a gift card. I like getting funny gifts, as long as they're actually useful. Thanks!
Does michelle obama wear big hoop earrings ?
look up pictures of her on google images.
How much should I ask for repaired NDS's?
R4 Card can help you play more games downloaded from internet with cheap price as I got one from ibuyvideogame on line shop.
As I am a mum, surely baby talk is supposed to interest me?
maybe you're just tired, lack of sleep. not enough energy. perhaps. only you know your mind though.
Is it normal to feel this way?
This is so bad tell a doctor
First time gauging...what size pincher do I use?
i would start with a 16 gauge ! its about the size of a belly button ring, or tongue ring so not that much thicker than a regular size earring. thats how your supposed to start off. When you go to big too fast you piercing area will get infected and and then scar tissue will form :)
Pus filled spot on back of earring hole?
I had my second ear lobe piercings last july and I kept the earrings in most of the time up until a couple of days ago. My earrings have been out for a couple of days and I woke up this morning with a pus filled spot on the back of one of the earring holes. Is it infected? Should I squeeze it? I don't know what to do
My mother is causing problems in my marriage?
"i am from kenya. my husband and i are not legally married, we had planned to get married but on the day of the ceremony his ex baby mama showed up and objected to our union, that was in march last year. till today we haven't been able to legalize our union because his ex's letter of objection is preventing this and she refuses to let it go, i cannot explain how this makes me feel and every time i think about it i cry. from the moment he and i became an item my mom was aware of everything that we went through, our struggles and our hardships and she kept encouraging to stay strong and stick together so we decided to move on with our lives as a married couple, we have a 7month old son. initially my husband and i were living in the same house as my mom and at some point he felt uncomfortable and that it was disrespectful to my mom to live in the same house as him so he opted to move out and asked me to go with him, my mom didn't take this well at all because she felt like i was abandoning her and at some point they got into a heated argument and he threatened that if i didn't go with him he and i would be over. so after talking to my mom she let me go and said she is ok and very supportive of our relationship but my husband doesn't feel that way because every time she wants to see her grandson she waits till he leaves the house and even when she wants to pick him up she asks the nanny to meet her out by the road when he's home rather than come in and pick him up. my husband feels like she doesn't want us to be together and it's starting to affect us, he doesn't want our son going to her house anymore and even though she loves her grandson so much it's like she doesn't recognize that this man is the man i have chosen to spend the rest of my life with and that he is the father of my son, even after watching us go through such a hard time.when i ask her about why she does these things she says that he is picking on her and that she doesn't do this at all. My husband says i defend her too much but all i do is explain to him exactly what she tells me. i have spoken to her over and over about this but it's like she doesn't hear what i'm saying. i feel so torn up and stressed about this and i know it's only a matter of time before i go into depression because i have so much i am trying to balance in my life, being a mother and providing for my son, trying to feed and support my mother who relies on me, trying to concentrate on my job but mostly trying to be a good wife to this man, also there are many times i think about whether he communicates or sees his ex and if there's something going on, our sex life is not what it used to be ever since i had the baby and it's also affecting us, all these things combined are slowly eating into my energy and again it's only a short matter of time before i go into depression, i can feel it and i don't know what to do, these are 2 people who matter so much to me and i don't want to hurt either one of them, sometimes i just feel like taking my son and leaving everything and everyone behind and start my life fresh, i love my husband very much, i love my mom very much too and i would be so happy if all this nonsense between them could stop. i'm so exhausted and stressed out by all of this, what should i do?
When I wear earrings, my ear lobes itch like heck. I have had pierced ears for over 30 years but this ...?
problem has cropped up only in the past year. Is it an allergy? Is there anything I can do to stop it? It's gotten to the point where I can't stand wearing earrings. Thanks for any insight.
Do you think Caroline is too common?
I'm planning of naming my baby girl Caroline, I just wonder if it's too common? Do you think a different spelling like Karoline will make a bit difference?
Why do men today look so gay?
Its sad men today of all races are wearing skinny jeans they look worse on black males and those orange and purple ones.Pink and earrings were bad enough but it seems men have abandoned masculinity and you may even have boys thinking about other boys.What ever happened to the days when boys wanted girlfriends and would never experiment with another boy and wanted to so those things with females I mean seriously.Skinny jeans are not attractive on males I prefer loose pants and shirts not soo loose and not so tight.likein the 1940's when men were masculine sometimes a hard life makes you mature.
Blood blister on back of cartilage piercing!!!?
a couple weeks ago i got a huge gross red blood blister on the back of my cartilage ear piercing!! it poped on its own and there was just a small bump left over except it wasnt a blood blister. now i just got a new blood blister and i dont know what to do because its going to pop on its own and there just going to keep coming back since this is the 2nd time of me getting it. i also got the piercing over 6 months ago and i didnt take the earring out when i got the blood blister because i didnt want it to close up and didnt think i had to. please help!
Latest PSP Custom firmware for fat psp?
It really doesn't matter about the latest custom firmware. It matters about the current one you have and if you are happy about having it. No game or homebrew will require a new custom firmware, they always try to make all homebrews/apps universal to all custom firmware. Thats why its called custom firmware, you chose your firmware and customize it with what you want.
What do you think of this?
this is very lovely and sweet expressed your feeling so nicely.thanks for this good poem.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
How come my PS 3 40 gb Phat always make a loud fan noise when i started to play game?
It's a no biggie, the fan is simply keeping the PS3 cool to prevent overheat. I have the same model from gamestop it happens to me too. Your ears will adapt, i would however Try to look for an intercooler and also check the air temp thats leaving the playstation. If you feel that the Playstation will or does have a fan problem take it in to the gamestop from where you got it and ask some questions or even exchange it.
I need some serious and quick advice..?
I honsetly think i am pregnant even though no one else knows and i still haven't taken a test to find out forsure. I need to talk to my mom about it but I am scared to do so. I am only 17 and naturally not ready to be a parent and my boyfriend just lost a baby with a past relationship and I have no clue how I would tell him not only because he lost the child but this would be his second in his short 15 years. And also because I'm not sure i want to go through with the pregnancy. I have been trying to think of a way to get a secret abortion without anyone knowing about it but don't want to live with that type of regret. And I don't think my boyfriend would let me give it up for adoption, He would almost force me to keep it... what should i do.??
Alternative music baby name?
Ok so I'm not having a kid of course cause I'm a teen but I'm bored and it's fun to think of what I will name my kids one day so every alternative artist I've seen always has an interesting cool name so what are some alternative artists you know and cool names you know of
Politically speaking, why should I listen to or respect my "wiser elders"?
Old people no matter whether they are liberal or Conservative have been here longer and know more about the world.
How Do I Use GBA Emulator on PSP 1000 Firmware 6.2?
I have a PSP PHAT ver 6.2 and I wanna know if there is some way of using A GBA emulator on it
Baby phat clothing apple bottoms rocca wear ect.?
where can i buy baby phat apple bottoms akedemics or how eva u spell it lol roca wear derion ect at? i use to shop at macys and brick city but macys dont have urba clothing anymore i went to 3 dif ones and brick city went outa buisness an ideas of stores???
Newly pierced ear?help?
i got my 2nd piercing and i had it pierced with a gold pointy earring. Will my ear get infected if i replace my earring with a non silver one?
How much would a 9 month old phat PS3 80gb be worth?
Rarely used in good condition, Gamestop said they would give me $90 cash or $120 store credit for it but surely its worth something more?
How long does it take ....?
I just lost a baby almost 2 months ago ... and I think I am pregnant again. I feel all the same symptoms tender swollen breasts ... back aches ... cramping ... head aches even the gas lol. ... I took a pregnancy test last night and it was negative ... but im just wondering how many dys or weeks do you have to be pregnant before the hcg will show up on the test. ??????
Pregnant women please read - RE: FETAL MOVEMENT.?
I agree 100%. x
Nintendo dsi or psp phat?
Hey guys i have a psp phat and i wanto to sell it to buy an nintendo dsi !is this right decision or not?which is better?in psp there are no many titles!and no famous title for the future
What first name would go cute with the middle name josiah for a biracial baby ?
By husband and i want our baby to have both heritages in him. my husbands black and portugueese and im black and panamanian and white. were looking for a black and white name. no names like alexander or christopher or trevor.
GIRLS do you think these ear studs would look good on a guy?
on one ear only. not both, no no way dont get them on both. on one ear it hot, but two-no. but it depends what look youre going for and what you look lie
30 Weeks pregnant, with 2nd baby - bad braxton hicks!?
OMG These braxton hicks are really starting to affect my day to day life! They are more uncomfortable but borderline painful now... i know i am definately not in labour, i am just after any advice on how to ease them and what causes them to become more severe?
Where can i find a white boi with a phat booty?
Right here
Do you think our baby will be cute? (pics)?
You're hott. I'd do you but you're probably not into chicks!
I need persuading again to get an android phone because...?
Droid x. i just got mine like a month ago, signal is GREAT. its seriously the best, it doesnt lag either. everything loads perfect like its supposed to do and ive literally like ran the screen up against cement and its still as shiny and perfect as the day i opened it =) the only downside is the data pak. but you want the 30 dollar a month with unlimited internet =) because it rockkkksssss. also, for an extra 20 you can be a wifi supplier to up to 5 devices. its fabulous =)
What gauge should I use for my earring?
I got my cartilage pierced at piercing pagoda about 2 years ago. I never knew about gauges at that time. I was pierced with a regular stud. I believe i was pierced with a 20 gauge earring, but i am not sure. Would they pierce a cartilage with a 22 gauge earring? I always wear 22 gauge earrings in my cartilage piercing. I have a 20 gauge earring and i does fit in the whole, but it's a little tighter. When I take the earring out there is a lighter circle of skin around it, but it doesnt hurt and it is not that noticeable. if i was pierced with a 22 gauge would i even be able to get the 20 gauge earring in? Should I buy a 20 or 22 gauge captive ring? Will the circle of skin go away as I keep wearing a 20 gauge ring?
Do ps3 slim get YLOD (Yellow light of death) quicker than the ps3 phat?
Oh no you've got the PS3 red light of death/YLOD too! hang on though you don't need to worry because a colleague of mine recently had his fixed .How did he do it ? - well he visited a resource that gave him details of how to fix the lights and whats more they promised him that if it didn't work there would be no charge. It didn't matter because it was fixed and he's happy. This is probably be a site that you should look at.
Need help with a baby boy name asap?!?!?
My sister is less than 39wks. & still haven't thought of a name for her baby boy yet. She was thinking of going on a theme; her two daughters are named Skyla & Aeris. Now we're all trying to think of something that will go. Any suggestions? Pleade&ThankYou!(:
Culturally speaking: Why do black women love to wear spandex tights?
and it always says "Phat baby' on the butt area.
My fianc� gets so angry at the smallest things. How can I help him not get so angry?
My fianc� and I just had a baby together and we are both so happy to have her. When the smallest thing doesn't go his way, it's like he completely changes. He throws things, screams curse words, and somehow finds a way to blame me. He does this at least once a day. I feel like I am just waiting for his next outburst. It's hard for me to be happy about anything because all I can think about is what will happen next that will set him off. He is a great dad and supports us. When he is not angry he is very sweet. I am always calm and try to be as reasonable as I can when he gets angry. I normally just agree with whatever he says and not say much. Even though I don't show it to him, the stress is really starting to get to me. I am forgetting things more easily (ESP since the baby is here, bc I have her to think about now) I can't always remember every little detail that he wants me too, which just makes him more angry. He is so scary when he's angry. He takes it to another level. Trying to be perfect all the time and it never being good enough is taking it's toll on me. What can I do to help manage my stress and keep him less mad. Talking to him about this is out of the question, this would make him lose it.
I Am Number Four Trailer Music?
There is this solid dubstep track being played during the trailer with really heavy phat bass drops , id really like to know the name of the song and the composer.
Breast Feeding Moms...?
When I had kids I did not breast feed. However, a friend of mine just had her baby. He was 9 lbs. at birth. She will only feed him every three hours. I thought if you breast fed you did it on command. Both times I have seen him, he has been sticking out his tongue and fussy. Which would have meant with my daughters they are hungry. I said I think he's hungry. She told me he had another hour before he could eat again. Now, here comes the best part... She is training him to sleep through the night and skipping his nightly feedings so he learns to sleep. Remember he is only 5 days old. Is this something that sounds normal? It sounds totally ridiculous to me. She is starving him for six hours. Also, the nurse told her husband to have him suck on HIS nipples so he can have the bonding with the child. I think they have gone insane. My daughter was 10 pounds at birth and she ate up to 4 ounces every two hours some days. Does this sound crazy to you too?
Which shoe do you like better?
The first ones. The second ones are way to plain.
My (Pekingese) dog is 10 years old and she REALLY needs to see a vet!!?
Your vet's office can give you an estimate. I don't know how come you know in advance how many xrays he will need. You can put it on a credit card.
How long will it take for my industrial to heal?
im 14 and i got my industrial about 4 months ago and was wondering when can i take out my earring and put different ones in ?
What is this kind of sleeve called?
they are puffed sleves
Very very romantice anime...??!?
The only good ones I can think of right now are clannad, Elfin lied both very good animes in my opinion. Clannad: it's about a boy who had an accident in his past and alot of sad events happen basically a Tragedy anime very heart breaking, the main categories for this are harem, drama, school life. Elfin Lied: not much to say about this anime only that it's my #1 favorite you might not like it it has alot of violence and drama. Hoped I helped all in all they are both pretty good if you can understand the plots.
Can anyone hook me up with a Party hat or H'ween mask?
There are some that have a lot of these rare items and if anyone is willing to part any color of phat or h'ween mask i would be happy to have it! If you don't want to then thats fine, but i would really enjoy having one if anyone would like to help me out. Thanks you!
Can you guys help to talk Pingu___☺☻♥♦♣♠•◘○◙♂♀♪♫☼►◄↕ into giving the baby's back to the hospitals?
I need your help guys, thanks
Bush's Post-Presidential Life?
you have overdosed on the isnt happening
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Dominant genes does the baby get from the daddy?
yah, but only if the mother has the same dominant genes. Then it could end up as a mix. example: mom has green eyes, dad has brown eyes, the kid will probably have a mix of green and brown eyes, since green and brown are both dominant.
Can girls wear one earring (like guys)?
yes it would then i would think ur gay
Can you get tunnel earrings put in by someone else?
I've been wanting to get 2g tunnels in both ears, and all I've heard was that you do it at home or something. Can you get it done at a store piercing place?
Honestly asking all Black ( or anyone actually ) people - Is this a racist statement?
Um date and have kids whoever you like. No one gives a shyt at the end of the day, I got to finish my studies and go to bed, good night.
My xbox 360 is broken!!! :( i got all my downloadable games on it!!!!?
all the game stores near me only sells the new xbox 360 Slim, and it's not compatible with my current old xbox 360 hard drive!!! all my games is in that hard drive! I don't have access to a credit card so I can't buy old phat xbox 360 on ebay.. I don't want to pay again for all the games that I've downloaded..
Australia, new south wales, pregnant and 17 help?
ok first thing is if you have medical coverage go to the doctor, medicare should cover prenatal visits and also ultrasounds.
Does cps get money for every baby they get adopted?
im fighting cps and need help
Where can i download these songs from step up 2?
Aspirin Therapy in Pregnancy?
Hi im about to try for baby no1 after 3 m/c i had lots of tests done the only thing they found was im positive for ANA ( anti nuclear antibodies ) no other immune problems at the minute.. My doctors wants me to take low dose aspirin as this helps with recurrent m/c i would just like o hear from anyone that themselves or anyone they know had to take aspirin through out their pregnancy and how things worked out.. many thanks in advance
Can I do this to my pierced ears (Please Help!)?
I think it should be okay. If they have slided off before then there shouldnt be a problem in changing your earrings really fast...
Pregnant 17 weeks. Placenta is on the lower side and baby has big bone structure. Little muscle/fat. Normal?
So i just went for my ultrasound scan and a 3d image, I AM HAVING A BABY GIRL, 90% it would be unless there's a mistake. But, I am more concerned about my low laying placenta. The gynae told me that i was carry too many heavy stuff and walking too much and advises me to rest more this month. And also, my baby is 15cm at this time and half a pound. Is it normal? And from the 3d and what the doctor said, my baby has little meat and fats. Is it normal also?
What brand baby bottle nipple do you recommend?
what brand baby bottle nipple do you recommend? we were using playtex but the soda keeps eroding the silicon. what's a stronger brand???
What name should i keep of my baby doll?
i have just got a new baby doll but don't know what to keep her name.I would like to describe her then you tell what name is the best for her.She has chubby cheeks she has eye liner on her eyes she has Pink lips and she has long eyebrow she has blue and golden eyes and her hairs come over her eyes till her ears and she is wearing yellow frock with blue muffler and small and cute legs.So which name is the best for her?
What's so bad about the black culture?
In America most blacks that I know are into reading books, listening to smooth R&B, poetry, dance, furthering their education, yet they maintain their culture. Is it because they don't change who they are to be more like white people? If it's so bad why is it that other ethnicities love black made music, copy our slang, try to hip hop dance, and the black culture is known as "cool". We are who we are, I love listening to Neyo, Floetry, I talk using using some slang words, I love books by Zane, I like baby phat and house of dereon clothing, why are all these things defined as ghetto, when I never lived in one my whole life? Why is anything in the black culture defined as ghetto, when most are founded by people who never lived in a ghetto? If loving the black culture is ghetto, fu*k it then call me ghetto. I'm not going to change who I am and what I like.
Which do you think is better? iPod touch 4th gen 64GB or 320GB PS3 Move bundle?
I just wanna ask because both are in the same price. I have previous versions of both but they are old (1G 16GB iPod touch and 80GB phat PS3) and my PS3's noisy anyway. Which do you think is better? Thanks and happy new year! :)
Abortion is the greatest act of selfishness a person can ever do.?
With the exception of documented rape and incest (exception that is commonly argued as a rule.) Abortion is just plain morally bankrupt. Think of all the families out there that have to wait years for a baby of there own to adopt because they cant have children. So a lady who decided with her full consent to have sex becomes pregnant but because they don't want to sacrifice 9 months for a child they made as a result of there willful carnal desires, they deprive that child of 80-90 years of life. How self-centered and morally bankrupt can they be? Whats worse we tolerate such actions in our society. This doesn't say much about our society as a whole.
Why have men become feminine?
Men today of all races wearing skinny jeans and tight clothing not attractive at all on young men today.The earring,pink clothesand purple were bad enough but it may make young men question their sexuality start finding boys attractive and I see boys today "Experimenting" with other boys.If I were young I would want a man who was manly and dressand acted manly not some guy in skinny jeans and a mohawk good Lord Jesus can we go back to the 1930's when black men were masculine?
I am an event organizer and need urgent help?
Have you tried the rhythm tapper? Can't remember the website but if you know the rhythm it may help you.
Aspirin Therapy success stories in Pregnancy?
Hi im about to try for baby no1 after 3 m/c i had lots of tests done the only thing they found was im positive for ANA ( anti nuclear antibodies ) no other immune problems at the minute.. My doctors wants me to take low dose aspirin as this helps with recurrent m/c i would just like o hear from anyone that themselves or anyone they know had to take aspirin through out their pregnancy and how things worked out.. many thanks in advance
Where can you buy nike air jordan phat 1 marine blue in the UK?
I don't know where selling at UK, but if you accept to order online. I suggest you can view and order from my trust website
Am I a Spoiled 13 year old? My friends say I am and I totally think I'm not neither am I rich!?
I just wanted to take my time to ask this question before I go to bed! So I don't think am spoiled.I have all the regular inexpensive things a normal teen haves.So I have mostly rocawear,baby-phat,aeropastale,and other name brand clothes. Lots of shoes.I get a pair every week.I get 400 dollars every chrismas but I don't ask for it but i'm blessed. I have 8 phones but only 3 are on and out of the 3,2 are minute phones then the rest of my phones are not.I have a twin canopy bed that I had since I was 8-So not spoiled nor rich.100 dollars gold earrings. I have like a "26" tv-no it's not a flatscreen but I'm getting one.I have two birds getting a yorkie.I had a pink mp3 player but now I have a black one but I'm very mad because It broke on 13th friday or something like that.I don't ask my parents for anything.The only thing I ever begged for is a ds and puppy.We only have one house.My mom has a malibu.Daddy has a Jeep.I have my own dell computer but I have to share it with my big brother but my sister and mommy has a laptop.The only reason my sister has one is because her boyfriend got her one.I will be getting a job when I turn 14 which is in April.I'm the baby on my mom side that is why I get all the love I can.I'm going to chicago and new york next month-is because I asked.My room is all pink.I'm getting pink and purple braces or perhaps pink and blue..well idk I'm just being excited..hmm I wonder how I will lokk woth them but back to me being spoiled which I'm not.I'm just a very blessed child.No spoiled brat at all.I don't really care in being spoiled & did I mention that I get a's and b's?Trust me if I asked for stuff I will be spoiled but I'm not am just blessed. I also go shopping every week.If I were rich,I sure wouldn't be spending my time on yahoo answers.
Right age to have a baby?
Hi guys im just wondering what do you think is an acceptable age to have a baby without ppl looking at you "as being too young" or being "stupid for havin a baby" i know ppl say there's no age to have a baby at that its supposed to feel like the right time to have one but im 19 almost 20 and id love to have a little one to care for. Just asking your opinions thanks guys
Need Help!! How to update to PSP 5.50 prometheus-4?
go over to system and go up to update and make sure you are connected to wifi
Ear Piercing Queries?
It's not very painful at all to get that part of your ear pierced it's actually very quick. If you have your lower ears pierced its alot like that. The care is the same, keep it clean and dry and it might take about a week to heal. Infection is usually not a problem, although you can get like a bump if it does get infected. In that case you should take it out - sometimes the bump can stay and it doesn't look good. It's pretty safe you shouldn't have any problems. Price depends on where you live and what they charge, each shop has it's own pricing!
If we were stuck together in an underground bunker for 20 years...?
how many of my babies would you give birth to?
If Jesus had a baby would it have been God 2.0?
Neither. Because god isn't real. It would just be a regular f*cking baby.
Buy items from own baby registry?
yes. it is very common
Apple Bottom Jeans/Baby Phat Jeans?
are they buttt lifting jeans or regular jeans?
Tenor sax jazz improv advice?
I've played in a lot of all-state band events, and i'm considered to be one of the better players in my band, but when it comes to improv i'm totally confused. I really want to do a solo on "Act Your Age" by Gordon Goodwin's Big Phat Band for my band but I don't know where to start...any advice?
Baby and I'm so young...?
I'm 14 and am expecting a baby. I got raped and haven't told my mom and dad one little bit! How can I take care of this baby?
Does this mean my sex drive is low and that I have ed?
I'm never horny and never wake up with morning wood but I masturbate when im bored I have to watch foot fetish porn to get a erection.And it only last like 2 min if I don't touch it and it will go down if I don't constantly jerk it.And also regular porn doesn't turn me on anymore when I was like 14 I would get so hard it would actually hurt.But when I turned 16 I could only keep it with stimulation.But yesterday this phat butt girl walked in front of me and while she was walking her butt was jigglin and I got a erection.Do I have ED.I also was diagnosed with a 5mm pituitary micro adenoma.I'm also 20 years old.
What is so bad about Mormons?
Your religion literally came out of a hat. How seriously can we take it?
Doubt about having child with a man who already has children..?
My boyfriend is 12 years older than I am. He has four children ages 1 to 15. I am only 23 years old, so I'm not wanting to pop a baby out anytime soon... but I have been wondering what it will be like if I did have a child with him. He has already been through four pregnancys and he has seen all of them delivered. I feel as if it won't be as exciting the fifth time around. I feel as if it'd be better if I had my first child with someone who hasn't been there done that. Does this make any sense?
Will a 60gb PS3 HDD work in a 160gb PS3?
my 60 gb PS3 died on me... (RIP) will the 60gb hdd work in a 160gb PHAT PS3? I want to get the data off of it and onto the new HDD? please help
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